Chris J. Staats sculpture Alexandria (Gallery Mailbox) is now open as a space for exchanging objects. This is an open-curated space and anyone is allowed to deliver and pick-up art for free. Alexandria (Gallery Mailbox) is located in the backyard at 1620 North Richmond Street in the Humboldt Park Neighborhood of Chicago. There is no need to contact Uss Gallery Nomadic Projects to exchange artwork. But if you would like to text or call,  contact Gregory Fitzsimmons at 312-508-2591.

Mail/Postal Art Call for “Astra 5A Memorial Exhibit: Drifting Satellites/Lost Signals”

Open Call to all artists for postal art about missed communications, misunderstandings, lost letters, and garbled messages.

“Astra 5A Memorial Exhibit: Drifting Satellites/Lost Signals”
Medium: Any, Free
Size: Any/Free
All work will be exhibited, photographed and cataloged.
Deadline: December 31, 2016

Send your work to:
Astra5A c/o Hobo 23 (Gregory Fitzsimmons)
1620 N Richmond Street
Chicago IL 60647 USA

All work will be exhibited at Uss Gallery in Chicago and cataloged on the gallery’s website.


Asta5A (Sirius 2) is a damaged and failed communications satellite, which experienced a technical anomaly leading to the end of the spacecraft’s mission in January of 2009. Astra5A continues its asynchronous travels around the earth, but now in a graveyard orbit, filled with messages that cannot be sent or retrieved.

